Bonneau M., Summer temperatures are rising: it’s time to adapt!,  January 2025

Bonneau M., What is a time-based urbanism and how is it applied to the EUI Time2Adapt project?, January 2025

Bonneau M., How can cities activate unused green spaces and buildings? (URBACT website) 9 January 2024

Bonneau M. and Jégou F., Wrapping up three EU City Labs on Local Food Systems (URBACT website) 15 November 2024

Bonneau M., Get a taste of the next EU City Lab in Milan: The role of cities in making land available and accessible (URBACT website) 10 September 2024

Bonneau M., Les dimensions de la collaboration entre initiatives citoyennes et autorités publiques, 11 January 2024

Bonneau M., Let’s revitalise forgotten urban spaces for green cities, together! (URBACT website) 19 December 2023

Bonneau M., Let’s talk about food!, (URBACT website) 24 August 2022

Bonneau M., From URBACT to ASToN: how cities can ensure sustainability of their work beyond the network (ASToN website) 21 July 2022

Bonneau M., D’URBACT à ASToN : comment les villes peuvent garantir la continuité de leurs travaux après avoir quitté le réseau (ASToN website) 21 July 2022

Bonneau M., Six solutions for city authorities to help us all waste less food, 23 March 2022

Bonneau M., Flow in Brussels, much more than an outdoor swimming pool, 16 November 2021

Bonneau M., Cities nurturing local food systems to fight climate change, (URBACT website) 10 November 2021

Bonneau M., The road to COP26: climate change at the heart of URBACT cities of all sizes, (URBACT website) 30 September 2021

Bonneau M., Changer les modes de gouvernance en appliquant de nouveaux cadres analytiques : le cas du gaspillage alimentaire à Bruxelles, 22 avril 2021

Bonneau M., Urban Sustainable Food systems – join URBACT’s movement towards COP26!, (URBACT website) 22 March 2021

Bonneau M., Reinforcing local food ecosystems: a recipe for success?, (URBACT website) 9 October 2020

Bonneau M., Food-related activities as a leverage against urban poverty (UIA website) 5 October 2020

Bonneau M., Addressing poverty via food solidarity in cities, (UrbanA website) 2 July 2020

Bonneau M., Covid-19: a springboard for more food solidarity?, (URBACT website) 26 June 2020

Bonneau M., Testing a future Food Court by prototyping it in real-life: lessons from the experience of UIA TAST’in FIVES’ L’Avant-goût, (UIA website) 24 June 2020

Bonneau M., Digital Transition in cities – how can it benefit citizens? (URBACT website) 21 November 2019

Bonneau M., Drome Valley: a single territory with complimentary stakeholders implementing food innovations, 27 August 2019

Bonneau M., Bringing (more) sustainability to cities: 5 golden rules (URBACT website) 6 August 2019

Bonneau M., How cities can accompany consumer change practices, (URBACT website) 23 May 2019

Bonneau M., Antwerp Circular South at the 11th meeting of the Urban Agenda Partnership on Circular Economy, (UIA website) 26 April 2019

Bonneau M., L’impact des initiatives citoyennes sur la résilience locale, 11 March 2019

Bonneau M., Implementing social innovation at city level: learnings from Amsterdam, Gdansk and others, 26 February 2019

Bonneau M., Lien entre dynamiques locales, résilience, et collaboration, 11 January 2019

Bonneau M., The difficult transition for consumers towards more sustainable practices, (UIA website) 23 November 2018

Bonneau M, Being a super civil servant, what does it take, where does it lead us to?, (UIA website) 23 November 2018

Bonneau M., Plan your own temporary use journey!, (URBACT website) 30 October 2018

Bonneau M., (Self-)promotion supporting change in our cities: feedback from the URBACT Lisbon City Festival, 4 October 2018

Bonneau M., Research and civil society: joining forces for addressing societal issues meaningfully, 6 September 2018

Bonneau M., How can cities set-up an adequate governance model for all stakeholders to jointly implement their local policies?, 22 February 2018

Bonneau M., Ouvrir la recherche académique à d’autres pratiques méthodologiques, 26 January 2018

Bonneau M., “Social innovation is a systemic change in the way we do things, 9 November 2017

Bonneau M., How do URBACT Good Practices strive towards more sustainability together with citizens and other stakeholders?, (URBACT website) 24 October 2017

Bonneau M., Being a citizen professional or a professional citizen?, 20 September 2017

Bonneau M., Exploring the conditions for shared urban spaces with high human value, 30 June 2017

Bonneau M., Que pensent les acteurs publics et les initiative citoyennes des moyens d’améliorer leur collaboration ?, 8 August 2017

Bonneau M., How can city administrations better cooperate with citizens?: A case for in-house intermediaries*, 4 April 2017

Bonneau M., What can cities learn from the participatory democracy experience of Saillans?, 28 August 2016

Bonneau M., Les membres des paniers bio sont-ils tous des « bobos » ?, 20 August 2016

Bonneau M., URBACT, the prince on a white horse of EU programmes, 19 January 2016

Bonneau M., Goodwill as a vector of social innovations, 7 August 2016

Bonneau M., It’s always cold and snowy in Central and Eastern Europe…, 2 December 2015

Bonneau M., Upscaling social innovation or the process of maintaining grassroots initiatives, 9 November 2015

Bonneau M., What is your “Sustainable city”? (at SPF Justice), 8 November 2015

Bonneau M., Social innovation is also a ‘process’ worth researching,17 July 2015

Bonneau M.,Cities using their purchasing power to facilitate social innovation,(URBACT website) 19 June 2015