Monthly Archives: July 2024


2023-2024 Cork Lady Mayoress : from exploration to experimentation

My partner Kieran McCarthy’s Mayoralty is now over. It has been roller-coaster. Of energy, of emotions. It has been an experience which I will miss but not regret: a unique in a life-time opportunity!

The last 6 months

We have gone through such great highlights since the last account of our activities:

  • The Lady Mayoress’ Coffee Morning in Aid of Marymount for which we raised 5 000 euros
  • Saint Patrick’s Day events and parade
  • The Lord Mayor’s Ball which raised 21 000 euros in aid of The Mercy University Hospital Foundation, The Rainbow Club and Cork Mental Health Foundation
  • The throwing of the Dart – traditional and family moment
  • The Local Council Elections
  • The Chain handover
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Lady Mayoress’ Farewell and thank you speech

It’s been a great adventure, a great honour and privilege to be the Lady Mayoress of Cork in 2023-2024.

I can also say that we, as a couple, have survived to it! It has made us stronger but also set the ground for our relationship.

I was also totally new to cork. Now I think I have a better knowledge of the city of Cork and probably higher than most people I know in terms of community and other types of activities.

I was actually very impressed by all the community activities of the City of Cork. I don’t know if that’s a specific Irish characteristic : if I compare to Belgium – where I have been for 17 years, and France were – I was born, and grew up, we, for sure don’t have such a strong tradition of community life. It’s very interesting to see these dynamics and energy that come from people, to work together on many topics just to make a better city, really.

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