Projects EUI – Ground for Wellbeing (GfW) (City of Amsterdam) Support for the second phase of the participatory process of the Local Sustainable Food Council of the municipality of Schaerbeek URBACT – Online Course on Food Procurement URBACT – Local Food Systems City Labs One-day training on applying for European funding programmes for the City of Schaerbeek EUI – Time2Adapt (Métropole Européenne de Lille) – New European Bauhaus Call Eurocities’ Mutual Learning Event: Green Skills for vulnerable people, Stockholm, 13-14 December 2023 Reshaping policy, unleashing talents, shifting minds for the Green Transition: a EUI capacity-building event for European cities Hub manager at the 2023 URBACT Summer University URBACT GreenPlace network – Lead Expert Animation, facilitation and organisation of the participatory process for the creation of the sustainable food advisory council of the city of Schaerbeek and co-creation of a local strategy FoodWasteWatchers@Ixelles Assistance and support to the City of Schaerbeek in identifying calls for European projects and in setting up consortia and projects Support for the design of a strategy for mobilising stakeholders in the Schaerbeek territory as part of the Climate Plan ASToN – Key learnings on the viability of networks after the end of funding UIA – Feasibility and Opportunity Study on Innovative Actions Assistance in the coordination, animation and communication of the Brussels Capital Region’s Good Food 2 Strategy Supporting Brussels-Capital Region’s municipalities and CPAS in the implementation of Good Food projects in connection with the call for climate action projects Support to the incubation of ‘New European Bauhaus’ place-based initiatives (in Aluksne and Pompey) UIA ‘Just transitions’ – Making transition affordable to all Territorial diagnosis and opportunity study for the European 2021-2027 Programming period for the City of Schaerbeek FoodWaste Mission Brussels UrbanA Fellow UIA – TAST’in FIVES La minute anti-gaspi de Marcelline sur VivaCité URBACT Thematic Programme Expert URBACT CAMPUS facilitator Urban Agenda Partnership on Circular Economy UIA – Antwerp Circular South FoodWasteWatchers Food surplus collection for all / La récup’ d’invendus pour tous Support to the URBACT BIOCANTEENS network Support to the URBACT Maps network Facilitation of panels during the 2017 URBACT City Festival in Tallinn Class on the theory of practices: theory and practice with the case of anti food waste practices, @Tom Bauler, IGEAT, ULB H2020 COMPASS – Evidence and opportunities for responsible innovation in SMEs H2020 Evaluator VILCO Co-creation of a community garden on a supermarket’s rooftop Cogardenning/Cojardinage Management of the DG REGIO Communities of Practitioners Set-up and support of the “Fridge Masters’/Maîtres Frigo” network Trainings for Brussels Regions’ cities on transversality and integrated approach Facilitation of ULG@work sessions during the 2016 URBACT Summer University Training for “Fridge Masters”/”Maîtres frigo” “Choud’Bruxelles” – simplifying the logistics of Short Food Supply Chains EMBALLALMATA: Encore moins d’emballages chez Almata ! Support to the URBACT REFILL network The Sustainable City Co-construction of the Good Food Strategy Social innovation in cities “Sustainable table” toolkit Benchmarking study of existing systems for the disposal of tap water in restaurants
Support for the second phase of the participatory process of the Local Sustainable Food Council of the municipality of Schaerbeek
Eurocities’ Mutual Learning Event: Green Skills for vulnerable people, Stockholm, 13-14 December 2023
Reshaping policy, unleashing talents, shifting minds for the Green Transition: a EUI capacity-building event for European cities
Animation, facilitation and organisation of the participatory process for the creation of the sustainable food advisory council of the city of Schaerbeek and co-creation of a local strategy
Assistance and support to the City of Schaerbeek in identifying calls for European projects and in setting up consortia and projects
Support for the design of a strategy for mobilising stakeholders in the Schaerbeek territory as part of the Climate Plan
Assistance in the coordination, animation and communication of the Brussels Capital Region’s Good Food 2 Strategy
Supporting Brussels-Capital Region’s municipalities and CPAS in the implementation of Good Food projects in connection with the call for climate action projects
Territorial diagnosis and opportunity study for the European 2021-2027 Programming period for the City of Schaerbeek
Class on the theory of practices: theory and practice with the case of anti food waste practices, @Tom Bauler, IGEAT, ULB